Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pharisees, Faulty Comparisons, Forgotten Mercy

So many times we look around us and compare ourselves to our peers. If we can find someone worse than we believe ourselves to be, then we pat ourselves on the back and thank God we are not the worst Christian around. God's standard is so much higher than that! This sermon will challenge you to raise the standard in your own life, and extend mercy to those around you.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Purity in the Church

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So often it seems that the Local Church has forsaken the very people she was commissioned to reach. We have created a list of sin which are "acceptable" and a list which is "unacceptable". In reality the more Christlike we become the more we will reach out to touch a lost an dying world. Our message must return to one of regeneration and transformation. In this message, we will be challenged to examine our individual lives for that "leaven" which can corrupt the whole lump.

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