Monday, November 28, 2011

Paul's Letter to the Colossians - Part 8 "Danger Sign"

There are many danger signs along America's highways. We would be wise drivers to heed their warnings. The Bible gives many spiritual danger signs that believers would do well to heed as well. Paul stresses one of these in the passage we will examine in this message.

What Did Jesus Do - Part Two/ Temptation

Every believer faces temptation. This much we know. However, dealing with temptation is a disheartening endeavor for many believers. Someone may ask, "What would Jesus do?" I say, lets look at what He DID! We have a tremendously detailed account of Jesus facing temptation in the Gospels. It is my desire that you will be strengthened to withstand temptation by patterning your actions after our Lord.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Paul's Letter to the Colossians - Part 7

Becoming an established Christian is the key to fruitfulness. Once we have trusted Christ, we are to walk in Him. How do we do that? That is the subject of our message.

"What DID Jesus Do?"- Criticism

This is the first in a new series taking a look at what our Saviour DID in different circumstances that you and I face every day. This first message deals with the subject of criticism. It is unlikely that any of us will make it through life without facing criticism. Many times we do not respond well to that criticism. Hopefully this message will help.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Paul's Letter to the Colossians Part 6 - Concern for The Family of God

The Apostle Paul had a great concern for believers whom he had never seen in person. As members of the same family, we ought to have the same concern for believers in other parts of the world whom we have never met.

Falling For The Church Part 8 - Conclusion

As we wrap up our series on the Local Church, I hope you have been encouraged and strengthened in your dedication to your local Church. As you listen to this concluding message, please remember that the Lord is still very much interested in the local church and your attitude towards. it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Series Coming Soon! "What Did Jesus Do?"

This coming Sunday morning I will complete the series I have been preaching on the Local Church. I have enjoyed putting these messages together and have also enjoyed the response I have received both from our church and those online. My prayer is that these messages will help people to be more in love with the organization of which Christ is the Head!

A week from this Sunday I will be starting a new Sunday morning series. I am entitling this series "What Did Jesus Do?" There are many people who like to ask the question: What would Jesus do? I want to spend a while going through the Gospels to see what he did!

The purpose for this series is to inform God's people and challenge them to examine how our Saviour dealt with everyday life circumstances. What did Jesus do when criticized? What did Jesus do when He was misunderstood? What did Jesus do when falsely accused? What did Jesus do when faced with difficult decisions? All these and more are answered in the Word of God. Please check back starting Monday, November 21st for the first message in this new series!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Paul's Letter to the Colossians - Part 5 "Rejoicing in Suffering"

Rejoicing in Suffering is an unusual attitude. However, it was Paul's attitude. As we look at the final verses of Colossians chapter 1, we will examine how a Christian can actually rejoice if they are called upon to suffer for the name of Christ.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Paul's LEtter to the Colossians - Part 4 "The Fulness of Christ"

How can Jesus be the only way to Heaven? Why can't there be more than one way, or more than one Saviour? Paul deals with this subject in our text tonight. You will be strengthened in your faith and equipped to be a bolder witness to the saving power of Jesus Christ.

Falling For the Church - Part Six / Giving to God Through My Local Church

Giving to God from our substance is not a foreign concept to mature believers. Why does the subject of money, or the dreaded word "tithe" produce such animosity in people's hearts? In this message, we will examine two aspects of giving. 1. The command to give. 2. The challenge to give.

I believe if you are already a giver, this message will help you. If you are not giving through your local church, perhaps God will use this message to challenge you to start.

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